A Match Made in …Coding Language

Chaz Perera
5 min readFeb 3, 2021
Image by Alexander Sinn via Unsplash

Long walks on the beach. Evenings spent staring over a fire into your lover’s eyes. No matter where you live and what your age is, people all desire to find that special someone. But gone are the days when you meet someone the old-fashioned way: in person. In today’s world, apps like Tinder use a dating algorithm to find you possible matches.

More and more, potential suitors are swiping left (to say no) to real life chance encounters, in favor of online dating services. This is not your grandmother’s dating world. But would you trust a machine with your love life? If you are like most people, yes you would! If you’re willing to let AI control your love life, what can you have it do in your business lives? The intricacies of online dating managed by AI automation easily translate to the business world, and the ramifications are immense for your future business needs.

Dating App Algorithm

A dating app algorithm uses mathematical calculations to predict your preferences and lead you to the perfect date. With your dating profile in place, the matching algorithm uses the details of each profile to help you find potential dates.

This is the same type of algorithm that is used when you use your GPS route finder, when you search for items on Google, or when you shop on Amazon. When these companies see what you are looking for, they offer more of the same type of item. This is the same way that dating apps work, though the “item” is a person who is compatible with you, rather than a thing.

Online dating services continue to perfect these app algorithms. Currently the top three sites are Tinder, Match, and Bumble. After entering your own profile, you are shown profiles of others, and swipe right if you are interested and left if you are not.

The growth of online dating has been astronomical. Tinder started as a location-based app in 2012, and now serves over 57 million users in over 190 countries. The astounding fact is how fast the match-making occurs (sorry grandma!), as 95% of the customers meet matches in a week. Hinge has also been on the scene since 2012 and is continuing to grow in popularity.

This dating app pairs people who are likely to like each other. The Gale-Shapley algorithm solves this through a series of iterations in which Element A proposes to their highest ranked Element B, and so on. In this way, the matches are created.

Digital Workforce Algorithm

Dating apps use our preferences to build the profile of our ideal partner for us. What if we could do the same thing at work and create our ideal employees? Think about your favorite colleague or team member for a moment. They likely work more than 40 hours per week, come to you with more solutions than problems, and communicate effectively with your team. With the same AI used to find your best mate, you can also find your best coworker.

Imagine a world where you can choose the personality, workhours, and tasks handled by every single member of your team. That’s where AI is headed. The idea of automation simply being based on complex decision trees and requiring hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement is being simplified down to the same process as onboarding a new employee. The difference is AI does what you say, how you say it, and communicates in the style you prefer.

Before we go too far down this path of I, Robot, it’s important to note that what we’re talking about is AI-based automation software that imitates the speed of a machine with the cognition of a human.

  • Automation is used for monotonous and repetitive tasks, where the computer is programmed to do things exactly the same and follow a specific format.‍
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be programmed to understand patterns and can adapt, displaying learning-based intelligence in its programming.

Why use automation and artificial intelligence? The answer is simple: you can save time and money. AI leads to more productivity because a digital workforce can quickly do easy tasks that leave humans free to do the more creative work. Automation also saves money, as machines can do these repetitive, high volume tasks more quickly and with less error than their human counterparts.‍

Human Resources and Marketing use AI automation in many ways. They are used in many areas of the hiring process to streamline the events that lead to hiring. Recruiters use algorithms to screen applications and schedule interviews. Marketers can train software to optimize copywriting in pay per click advertising, as well as study trends and behaviors of consumers.

Banking is another area that can be positively affected by AI technology. AI can process credit reports and other analysis for banks and institutions. It can also detect fraud more quickly and cost-effectively than humans.

Education is already using machines to create individualized plans for students, especially those with disabilities. The Intelligence Tutoring Systems can analyze how students learn, which will affect so many things in the classroom.

In addition to reducing mundane tasks like scheduling and other administrative jobs in the healthcare sector, AI can analyze data that can help hospitals understand trends in diseases and treatments. They also can read medical scans more quickly than humans, getting sick people the care they need more quickly.‍

Whether it is banking, education, marketing or other business sectors, automation can save time and money, as well as reduce errors. And although your love life is not a commodity such as these, artificial intelligence can do the same for you and your dating life!

Automation in the Workplace

While dating platforms build the ideal profile they believe you will like, why not just build the exact coworker you want from scratch? AI coworkers can do more than you think. Businesses count on them to do miles of paperwork that is tedious for humans, and the digital workforce does it without error.

By using algorithms, the element of human error decreases significantly and a world of positivity and progress emerges. And based on their training by humans, AI may still hold on to some prejudices. Human and digital coworkers can leverage a business further than one or the other can do on their own, by using the innate abilities of each.

Let’s face it. Your best-intentioned grandma or best friend cannot possibly introduce you to enough potential dates to help you find the perfect match. There just isn’t time enough in the day! But online dating services can easily use a dating algorithm to increase your chances of finding someone who is compatible with you. App algorithms can weed out the incompatible choices much faster than your best friend.

And if a matching algorithm is good enough to find the person of your dreams, imagine what machine learning algorithms can do for your company. Whether insurance or medical prescription, automation can increase productivity and reduce errors, just like Tinder does for your dating life. Contact Roots Automation today to make a match of Digital Coworkers for your human ones.

You will find a match made in heaven.‍

Originally published at https://www.rootsautomation.com.



Chaz Perera

Co-Founder & CEO, Roots Automation. Helping organizations free their people to focus on customers and other high-value tasks that build careers and experiences.